Software & Applications
for Football Coaches

Football Coachs est l'outil complet  pour créer rapidement des exercices et des séances d'entraînement de football, gérer son équipe, les compétitions et les matchs.

Discover our tools.  Team management, training, matches...  

Create.  Drills, Games, Procedures, Lineups. 

Training Management

To create your football training sessions efficiently:
Create, search, and manage drills easily.

Plan your training season. Utilize a library of drills, games, and situations updated weekly.

Football Coachs is the app that simplifies life for coaches and trainers.

Team Management

Manage and communicate with your players through simple and intuitive tools for attendance management and call-ups.
Exploitez des stats sur les présences à l'entrainement, les absents, les blessés.

Utilize stats on training attendance, absentees, and injuries.

Visualize recorded data in a few graphs.

For coaches managing multiple teams, you can use our filters to select the group you want to call up, for example.
entrainement football

and Inspiration Library

entrainement football
Explore a vast library of visual and animated videos. Search and easily integrate drills. Enjoy clear readability of drills to instantly understand what your players will work on.

The best coaching app to manage your training sessions.


entrainement football
For coaches who need to keep track and easily find information, you have a simple yet effective interface. Line-ups, called-up players, cards, goals, player of the match.

But above all, the tool allows you to prepare your matches, with the game plan, systems, and information about the opposing team.
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entrainement football

Subscriptions  tailored to your needs.

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entrainement football
entrainement football


entrainement football
With the call-up tool, you can choose the group (if you manage several), select the players (the number is displayed to avoid recounting every 2 minutes), indicate the date, time, field, meeting point, click the copy button and send via WhatsApp or others! And that's it, ensuring you don't send your call-ups at 11 PM!

Quick and Secure Access to Resources

Accès rapide et sécurisé aux ressources
All your football drills and matches on your tablet or smartphone. Football Coachs allows you to view, search, save, and manage your drills, training sessions, and matches.
Time Saving
From call-ups to attendance management, save significant time to dedicate to the field.
Simplified Team Management
Communicate directly with your players! Manage multiple teams if needed with our filters. Streamline communications with an app designed for coaches and trainers.
Utilize hundreds of visual and animated drills. With multi-criteria search, integrate the right drills into your session.
Advanced Training Drill Management
Use a simple and intuitive tool to quickly create sessions.
Optimizing Results
Evaluate your matches, identify areas for improvement. Get an overview of your team and season.
Over 12 Tools
for football coaches and trainers
Over 2,000 Coaches
already registered
10 000
newsletter subscribers

Nos partenaires

Coach Testimonials

I was looking for a tool to manage my sessions, matches, and group. Very easy to use, I have the history, I find information easily, I manage my tasks, and track competitions and results in just two clicks! I save hours every week!
US Vieugy
Nothing better for creating a session, preparing a match, managing weekly tasks, and tracking competitions! I also use it to communicate quickly with my players. Excellent!
Union Saint Jean
It arrived just in time as I was looking for new management software. I was using another software until now, but I found it unpleasant and not very intuitive. It's the complete opposite with the first pages I visited of this software. It's smooth, colorful, and the icons are very intuitive.
Jérome, UEFA B